Hunts County Guardian 6 June 1908

Saturday, June 6, 1908

Reported that the St Ives Town Councils Park Committee recommended that accommodation be granted for the Bowling Club to occupy ground on the North side of the Spinney, and also to erect a fence as an enclosure, the turf not to be lifted until the Autumn.

In proposing the adoption of the report, The Chairman (Councillor Kiddle) said there seemed to be a feeling abroad in the town that the bowling green was to be private property and that it was for the advantage of a few. He thought it should be quite understood that that was not so. He thought the town should be made to understand that the recommendation for the provision of a bowling green in the Park meant that the whole of the expenses incurred in the conversion of the ground into a green would be found and provided for by a few gentlemen who were forming themselves into a club, to a level and fence the green, and to keep it in proper order, but those gentlemen had no wish to monopolise the green for themselves, neither would they have any right to do so. It would be open for any inhabitant of the town to practice his bowls when he liked except when the green was reserved for a match. That portion of the Park was fenced in, however, would be set apart for bowls, and bowls only. And no other game would be played on it. He thought if that were known it would allay the feeling that had arisen.

In answer to a point from Councillor Kiddle The Chairman said that the committee had made a proper selection of the ground, as other places were not suitable.

Councillor Ellis seconded the proposition, saying he thoroughly agreed with the Chairman that the feeling was one to be allayed. No one ever thought of taking it for a private bowling green and did not want to “ent up.”  The reason why they took the North side was that it would be necessary to off half the seat of the tree if they had it on the South side, If the Flower Show authorities wanted the piece for dancing he saw no reason why they should not have the North side as well as the South side, as he was sure the authorities would not deny them that privilege.

Councillor Ingram reported "At the Flower Show meeting last night we said we didn’t mind which side we had. We should go for the best piece of ground we could get."

Councillor Kiddle proposed the adoption of the report. Councillor Anderson seconded, and it was carried.